Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Anjou pear and grapes

Anjou pear and grapes 
Oil on gesso board 
Avenue for purchase on DailyPintWorks.com

There’s always beauty in simplicity. I love painting simple things, but sometimes they can be more complicated than complicated things! 

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!!


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Sakibaru beach

Sakibaru beach 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

Enjoyed this calming and peaceful ocean!!
Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!!


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Together in peace

Together in peace 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

Everything is connected and creates a perfect harmony.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

green jar and peaches

Antique Japanese jar and peaches 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

This antique Japanese jar is so much sexier than plastic bottles we use nowadays. I totally agree with Mr Emerson. “Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural.”

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!!


Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

At the end of May, I was at a park in my neighborhood and saw this beautiful sunset.
Hope I was able to capture the moment.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!!


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Tulips in a basket

Tulips in a basket 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

I really enjoyed painting the sweet tulips in spring time.
Hope this piece will brighten up your day!

Thank you for looking!


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Flower bouquet

Flower bouquet 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

Impression style!?
I don’t know how to call this, but I used a whole lot of paint for this one! Totally enjoyed it!!
Thank you for looking.
Have a beautiful day everyone!!


Strawberries and cream

Strawberries and cream 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

My favorite fruit! And yes, I enjoyed painting this piece!

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day everyone!!


Friday, June 4, 2021

Native American pot, green grapes and plums

Native American pot, green grapes and plums 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

I love this warm feeling native Americans pottery. Especially I enjoyed painting the design of the pot.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!!


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Asani beach #2

Asani beach
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

I’ve been enjoying seascapes lately.
Hope this piece will bring you peace of mind.

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

In the sunlight

In the sunlight 
Oil on gesso board 

I’m so happy to announce that this piece has been selected for Apero fine art catalogue in June!!

It’s been quite a journey since Apero discovered me in 2017. Getting featured and curated for the fine catalogue has been such a joy and experience. Thank you so much Apero for your incredible support and encouragement. It helped to build my confidence and submissions for the open call each and every month were so challenging, but exciting!
I will truly miss APERO!

Please check out the beautiful catalogue at www.showapero.com

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!!


Monday, May 31, 2021

Under the shade of a tree

Under the shade of a tree
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

“In trees, I see expressions and soul.” ~Vincent Van Gogh

I love trees. Hope I was able to capture their liveliness.

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!!


Saturday, May 29, 2021

Two apples and a copper

Two apples and a copper 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flame.” -Rumi

 Thank you for looking.

Have a great day!!

Wooden box and a peach

Wooden box and a peach
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

Painting organic objects always gives me such a tender feeling. It’s from one of the beginner demos at vital art sessions. I think learning basics is so crucial!

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!


Friday, May 28, 2021

Feel the ocean

Feel the ocean 
Oil on gesso board 

“You are not a drop in the ocean. 
You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~Rumi

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!!


Monday, May 24, 2021

White blossoms

White blossoms
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

Flowers are so fragile yet they love their life fullest.
Hope I could capture the moment.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Asani beach

Asani beach
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

One sunny day, nobody is there, the ocean was so calm and peaceful.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!


Sunday Afternoon

One Sunday Afternoon 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

One Sunday Afternoon, on my way to the station. Feeling so good, my heart was singing!

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day, 


Friday, May 21, 2021


Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

I painted this from a reference photo I took. Magnolia flowers were so beautiful, just like butterflies flying into the sky.

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!!


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ohama beach

Ohama beach
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

I painted this piece from my reference photo.
I just realized that I tend to paint seascapes whenever I want to go to the ocean.

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

Really enjoyed this piece!
I love their blue especially when it’s raining.
Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Dark beauty

‘Dark beauty’ 
 oil on hardboard 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

Painting the depth of the dark colors was such a joyful experience.

Thank you for looking.
Have a beautiful day everyone!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Landscape study

Landscape study 
Oil on gesso paper

Quick study on my sketchbook. I enjoy this kind of small and quick sketch because it gives me a sense of ‘no pressure’.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day,



A white pitcher in the light

A white pitcher in the light 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on Dailypaintworks.com

I enjoyed painting the background design.
 This gives me a sense of ‘one sunny peaceful morning’ feeling.
And hope you have a wonderful morning!

Thank you for looking!


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Pink and yellow mums

Pink and yellow mums
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

I thought of trying out something different for the background in order to make the flowers more alive.
It was a fun experience!
Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

I really enjoyed painting the fresh green and orange!
Hope this piece will brighten up your day!


Monday, May 10, 2021

Grapes and a pink flower

Grapes and a pink flower
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

I really enjoyed this small still life painting.
Grapes are one of my favorite models.

Thank you for looking.
Have a beautiful day!


Clouds and mountains

Clouds and mountains 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

It’s nice to look up the sky instead of looking at my phone so much.
Clouds are so hard to paint, but It makes me want to paint whenever I find the fluffy one in the sky,

Thank you for looking?
Have a wonderful day!


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Spring flowers

Spring flowers 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

On a beautiful day like this, the nature is always a great teacher!

Thank you for looking.
Have a wonderful day!


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Spring pansies

Spring pansies 
Oil on gesso board
Available for purchase on DailypaintWorks.com

I enjoy this happy spring flowers! I’m loving the mauve color paint which I barely use. Using this color straight out of the tube was so exciting!!

Thank you for looking.
Have a happy spring day!

I enjoyed this happy spring flower pansy! I'm loving the mauve paint which I barely use. Using this color straight out of the tube is so exciting!! Thank you


Friday, May 7, 2021

Two apples

Two apples 
Oil on canvas board framed 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

I’ve been taking Kelli Folsom’s vital art sessions since April 2020. I’m learning and enjoying so much with the VAS. I’m so happy and proud of myself how far I’ve come and accomplished in a year. I’m so grateful that I’ve met such a great art teacher and the art community in my solo art journey. In order to get to the next level, there will be so much to learn for sure, but at the same time,  I’m finding the joy and gratitude of what I’m doing in the process. Going into the place I’ve never been before scares me sometimes yet exciting!!
Every piece is my happiness and a piece of my heart. 
I hope to bring joy to everyone through my artworks.
Thank you for looking!
Have a great day!


Flowers on my way home

Flowers on my way home 
Oil on gesso board 
Available for purchase on DailyPaintWorks.com

I really enjoyed trying out something different and new!
Used a painting knife for the most of the piece.

Thank you for looking.
Have a great day!!


Angels in the woods

I was away from this blog such a long time, and I know it’s a bit late to announce here but... this piece has featured in Apero fine art catalogue in April!! Yay!!!
Thanks to Apero gallery! I’m so happy to be selected and honored to be a part of the wonderful collection!
I was so excited to paint this baby goat when I saw him in the woods.  Luckily he gave me the look when I took a photo. Such a beautiful creature, it was such a magical moment.
Thank you for looking.
I’m so excited and grateful that I get to paint every single day.
Have a great day!